Energy follows attention!

I firmly believe that you can find your own wings and with their help move to your ideal life, regardless of the situation you are in now. 


Welcome to MAGIATU

We are here together in the energy of the end and the beginning. In the energy of the number 9 and the number 1 simultaneously. In the energy of the “Do” sound, which runs the gamut of ends and begins.

Because every end is also a beginning, and in order to get what you want, you must accept what you have already received.

Therefore, here we will be closing and opening, saying goodbye and hello at the same time and with the same fervor.

My goal and intention is to provide you with the tools to both get rid of old patterns and blockages from your subconscious and to create and love new ones that will help you start your dream life and find your soul’s mission.

Reaching a destination you don’t know is as difficult as returning to a place you’ve never been.

I am not offering you theories here about the law of attraction, assumptions or mirrors, nor am I offering wise and universal advice, but rather encouraging you to embark on your own journey to find the answers that only YOU know.

Here I offer you the tools to make your dreams a reality and apply the laws of the universe to your own life.

It is my intention to create such tools for you that will facilitate something, help you realize something else, support you in something, allow you to experience something.

It is my intention that with this you will find your own wings easier and faster, clip them on and fly off to your own sun.

However, the most beautiful, practical and effective philosophy in the World will not work unless YOU act.

So where do you start making changes?

Well, this is where we must first bring the beginning and the end together.

We must first have the intention to change, then choose a dream, create it in your head, heart and soul, believe it’s possible, convince your subconscious to believe it, and then maintain that belief and intention by adding appropriate – probably new to you – actions until it works.

And there can be only one result, in such a case.

The effect will be your new reality, which was preceded by the cause in the form of your dreams and belief in their fulfillment, which in turn was preceded by the effect – that is, that through visualization, affirmation, descending into the depths of the subconscious – you have already literally become that person.

Actually, one could summarize:

Intention – Faith – Action


I want – I can – I do


Effect – Cause – Consequence

Since – as you see everything in the process of creating reality is interconnected – the tools I will offer you here will also serve multiple purposes at once – to finish something and start something at the same time.

The world that surrounds you today has been created by you with the help of your existing subconscious patterns, your beliefs and belief in what is possible and what is available just for you.

Look at it now with a smile. How is your reality today. What are you satisfied with, and what would you like to change?

Certainly, some of the patterns you want to change today you received from loved ones, probably in childhood.

But that’s just fine. Everything in your life is just as it should be.

This is your starting point. We are here to make our souls grow.

And for that your soul needs just such challenges.

He needs this particular set of patterns, blockages, fears and experiences to be replaced one by one.

If something has happened to you in life, it means that you have the strength within you to deal with it, the knowledge of how to do it, and the power over how this aspect of life will look to you in the future.

And I will try to provide you with tools that you can use to make this path easier.

I’m hugging you MANDALA

MagicThere Waiting for You


Reach for the tools of the Magiat

Discover Your Soul's Mission

You can occupy yourself with anything you want, however, by pursuing your soul's mission you will live the fullest and most satisfying life.

Journal of Manifestations

Writing down your own dreams and affirmations promotes their assimilation by your subconscious.

Dream Meter

By directing your attention to the results in melting the barriers stuck for years in the subconscious you accelerate creation.

DOER - Climbing the Mountain of Your Dreams

A 5-step method to the change you want, along with 88 beliefs that if you incorporate into your life will help you achieve anything.

Register of Gratitude

Look at the World through a different glass. For Me - For You - For Us - For the Universe.


Come shine a flashlight straight into the labyrinth of the subconscious mind so you can see the part of it that is the cause.


Here’s what customers say about my tools

“Podobało mi się, jak książka łączy praktyczne porady z pięknymi ilustracjami, dzięki czemu jest zarówno narzędziem motywacyjnym, jak i dziełem sztuki. Jeśli poważnie myślisz o osiągnięciu swoich celów, to jest książka, która Cię tam zaprowadzi.”
Jenny Jordan DOER
“Ten pięknie zaprojektowany 100-stronicowy dziennik służy jako potężne narzędzie do pielęgnowania szczęścia i doceniania tego, co dzieje się w codziennym życiu. Naprawdę podobało mi się ustrukturyzowane podejście do wyrażania wdzięczności do siebie, innych i Świata”
The Milligans Rejestr Wdzięczności
„Mierzalnik Marzeń” pomoże Ci śledzić postępy i zobaczyć, jak blisko jesteś osiągnięcia swoich celów. Pełen żywych i pięknych ilustracji mandali, to nie tylko narzędziem do rozwoju osobistego - to także uczta wizualna, która podniesie Cię na duchu i zainspiruje na każdym kroku Twojej podróży. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, świetny zeszyt!”
River0326 Mierzalnik Marzeń
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